"I believe that the most important task of Art today is not to please the general public. It should be a wake-up call and force us to think about the world we now live in. Our time urges us to restore human responsibility for mankind and for our planet. Have we struck the right balance between our conscience and our intellect? Our image of reality is far from perfect. Art can be a mirror to put (distorted) reality in a different perspective. So I won't give you instant answers, but rather a suggestion, a seed, a hint that stimulates you to ask questions and activates your imagination. And as Denis Diderot wrote long ago in his Essay On the Art of Painting:
"move me, amaze me, touch me ,let me shiver, cry, tremble, fill me with indignation".
"move me, amaze me, touch me ,let me shiver, cry, tremble, fill me with indignation".